There are many times this past weeks that I thought, "maybe I should just give up blogging altogether". There were some discouragements on the way (computer glitches and internet bad stuff), but after each discouragement, God seems to be providing some way out, so I am continuing on....
Let me expound on some of the discouragement and escape:
1. I found out that my former URL for A Maui Blog is now being used by a p*rn(*) site. I hated it. I was in great panic for a little while because somehow I think it's still associated with my name. Later I found out it's not really associated with my name anymore because I gave it up. I learned a lesson there. I also met a lady who is familiar with this scam and she's a real encouragement.
2. My e-mail (lizamaui) is compromised somehow because I got an e-mail from myself and that e-mail was selling something (buy 1 take 4 offer) and it was not from me! I had to e-mail people in my address book to warn them not to open that kind of e-mail in case they get one from my impostor. Bummers!
3. I met a computer expert who lives close to our house. he is a good consultant. It's good to know someone like him. I attended a seminar he offered for free. Great!
4. I met a gal named Cindy at Twitter, and she's from Maui! She has teh same passion for blogging and internet social networking like I do and she seems to be a very nice lady (from what I read from her tweets and blog). I e-mailed her and offered a partmership on the A MAui Blog. I have so many ideas for A Maui Blog but I do not have the time to implement them. Maybe with Cindy's help we can launch the AMB faster.
5. I had decided that last Tuesday will be my last day of attending the HelpMeet class. It's a great class but I just don't have the time to attend all the great classes. If I would be brutally honest, I was hoping that this class would help me convince my husband that I should stay home or at least work from home - but turns out I was told to submit to my husbands' "command" or "wishes". I know my hubby gets offended when I talk liek this - he says I ma making him like a "bad guy" forcing me to work outside of our home when in fact he is just seeing the big picture on our situation because he's the one paying the bills and he knows what we need for our family. Anyway, that said, I just want to emphasize thatmy husband is a wonderful husband. We just don't agree on this subject of "me working" but generally he is great.
6. I need to log off and start my exercise. I will hop on a treadmill and start my day right :)
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