Monday, December 15, 2008

Good Morning Monday

You know that title is a positive thinking kind of thing, right? i found an article today at HomeBizBlogger about Monday Mornings and setting realistic goals:

Monday is a special day in the week. It’s the first day and technically anything is possible. (Same could be say for each day). As the week continues productivity has to be measured and if you haven’t completed some work the pressure starts to set in. Regardless if you planned 5 things to do or 50. If you look at them in percentages if you’re only accomplishing 20-40% of your tasks there will be some anxiety remaining. It doesn’t have to be like this.

I find it very easy to make grandiose plans of what will happen during the week. A “perfect world” set of things to do and accomplish. Sadly life doesn’t always work out as planned and things beyond our control occur which require our time. It’s also easy to make a list that is overzealous and come up incredibly short. I know I have done that on more than one occasion.

The secret to having a fun, productive week is setting realistic goals. My to-do lists used to be long. Now they are incredibly short. After sometime of trying to bite off more then I could chew I found I was choking. Nothing close to what I had imagined was getting done. There had to be some kind of remedy !?!

Continued at HomeBizBlogger

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